Greetings, Hello and Namaste!

On this day of Halloween, I am embarking on my own scary (for now) but challenging quest of creating my blog that will address among other things, primarily Personal Finance and Management topics.

Why Personal Finance and Why Now

I want this blog to be a resource and guidance for me 30 years ago. Unfortunately, as time travel doesn’t (yet) exist, I’ll have to settle for writing about my learnings, my mistakes, and what worked for me. Other Amits and folks in their early careers will benefit from a sounding board and guidance that I didn’t have.

I have learnt about Personal Finance and Management over the years, reading books, following bloggers, and other thought leaders. I will attempt to consolidate that into a handy playbook (of sorts) that others can refer to and raise their fiscal acumen and intuition.

As to why now, I’ve thought about this project for a while, and finally decided now is as good a time as any. I will cover some basic principles, less on theory (there’s already a ton of books, blogs, and resources that cover it) and more practical tips, tools (there’s a few out there and I’ll add my own).

How to Start

All journeys and quests, regardless of complexity, start with a simple first step. If what I’ve said so far jives with you all, let’s start by having an open mind and willingness to learn something new. That’s how I started years ago and it’s worked well for me over the years.


As a first step, you can look into the following topics to get your feet wet in the world of Personal Finance

Personal Finance Websites


  • URL:
  • Comprehensive financial advice, product comparisons, and educational content
  • Great for credit cards, banking, investing, and loan information

Mr. Money Mustache


“Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

  • Practical debt reduction and financial planning strategies
  • Focuses on eliminating debt and building wealth

“I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi

  • Modern approach to personal finance
  • Practical, actionable advice for millennials and young professionals

What’s Next

Stay tuned in this space for more to come. I will start with basic concepts and dig deeper into some topics as we navigate this journey together. If you have anything to teach me, I am willing to learn, and if I could be of any help, this will become a fruitful endeavor.

Let’s do this together!



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